Rebate structure

The Rebate Structure facility allows a highly configurable means of providing rebates for Customers based on a range of criteria.

The Rebate structure system allows you to create an unlimited number of Rebate structure specifications that determine how a rebate should be calculated for a customer based on who the rebate is being calculated for and the categories into which that rebate belongs. A Rebate structure specification allows the entry of an Rebate expiry date , after which the Rebate structure calculation will not be used.

A single Rebate structure specification consists of the selection of one of two Key types and its value (who you are selling to), one of three Rebate types and its value (how to calculate rebate) and one of three Target types and its value (the target you must reach to achieve the rebate).

The different types are shown in the table below:

Key type

Rebate type

Target type




Rebate group




All rebatable items

All rebatable items

For example, using this table you can specify that a specific Customer will be given a rebate on item A providing the target value for sales of product A have been met.